Music - little life by Cordelia
The worst thing that can happen to a man is to lose hope.
The days seems to drag longer, and the glow slowly starts to leave your eyes.
you become dead while still living.
Tomorrow starts to look like just another day and you slowly begin to wish you don’t have to be a part of it.
No matter how hard you look, the future seems blank because your brain can’t get itself to process life outside its present reality.
You suddenly stop seeing color. Life plays out in white and black, and on days you are lucky maybe Gray.
It's a dangerous thing to lose hope as death no longer seems like the enemy but a much-needed relief.
On the good days you cry, and on the worst ones you feel nothing. You discover there is something worse than feeling negative emotions, it's the feeling of NOTHINGNESS.
If this is you, BREATHE.
Breathe, because sometimes that is all you need to focus on, and if that's only what you can do that day, it's more than enough.
It's gets better.
As cliche as it sounds, it does.
It's a battle between the you that is and the you that would BE.
The absence of hope is the beginning of death, so find hope.
No! I don't mean you going on a long search in pursuit of hope.
I mean the baby's steps, like choosing to stare at the beautiful flowers for more than 5 seconds, choosing to smile at the strangers you meet at the bus park.
Like finding an online family on YouTube that you can Stan or belong to.
Getting a hobby that you enjoy. It could vary from crotching to collecting coins.
Find alternative artists whose sound speaks peace into your existence.
Going on long walks while you think about your life’s journey, both the good and bad.
Live life for the moment, focus on saving YOU!
However selfish it may sound, it's okay to cut off whatever is a source of negative vibe. Including friends.
Delete social media platforms that triggers you. For now, YouTube is the least toxic social media platform.
Be unapologetic about accepting the love people give you.
If you have someone extend a genuine hand of love to you, take it, you can worry about your heart breaking tomorrow.
But today you survive.
Most importantly, find God.
Yes, you read that wrong. I said find God, not religion.
Talk to him more, go into an empty church and cry.
Do all the cliche stuff they do in movies.
But find God because in him is the will to live.
Most times, hope is not found in the big things, it's found in beautiful trees, nice weather, and the little things of life.
Choose to breathe, because even on the worst days, life is worth living.
Soul sister (Ss)