I don’t think I love him, I think that I like that he loves me.

Pris Aina
3 min readDec 31, 2024


I haven’t been able to sleep, I feel it deep inside of me. A love budding,one which might destroy or free me. For now , I don’t know how the story ends, but I hope even if I cry, the scares are not deeper than I allow.

Photo by Devon Divine on Unsplash

The Genesis

I met him at work. I meet a lot of people at work, but most time they don’t matter. He didn’t matter, till he is starting to.

I thought he was cute, but at the time we met , I wasn’t looking for anything serious. I tend to do that a lot, “not looking for something serious”.

Sometimes I think to myself, if I wasn’t in love with Jesus and a follower of him, I would have been one of those people who might have been categorized as a “…” . I love to experience people, but most times I don’t know how to commit. And that is why I didn’t even open up to the idea of dating for a long time.

I don’t easily like people (mostly because not a lot of people catches my fancy) i have a peculiar view of beauty. But most importantly, I’m attracted to people’s mind.

I don’t like his mind ,this man.Let’s call him Zeus. But there was something about him that still wanted him around as a friend.So I told him that.

I missed a crucial part of the story,forgive me. Prior to him talking to me , I knew it was going to happen ,I saw it. And that was the only reason I started talking to him.

The Process

I think I see myself in him. I see him,and that’s the problem.

He has a great sense of humor! He gets my jokes! Not a lot of people get my jokes.

He can be very sweet, but also nonchalant-partly because I shut him down anytime he brings up anything to do with liking him.

I can be very brutal when it comes to dating. If there is one thing I know how to do well,it’s to leave. But for some reason, I just see him and want him to stick around even if it’s just for the friendship.

I’ve met a number of people while still talking to Zeus. My personal favorite is… let’s call him Romeo .

He is a proper lover boy. He is cute , smart and working hard on being a Web developer.

I remember telling him one night that I was going to get a tattoo, and he said “ no you will not” in a calm voice that was almost seductive . I told him I would,and he replied “okay” in way you would tell a child you desperately want to get off a swing you would come back, but you know you won’t.

My problem with him was that he wanted me to fall in love , but I have never done that. Instead I prefer to walk into love. To hold my brains and clutch my heart, fully aware as I take the first step.

I think that was what I enjoyed about Zeus, he never pushed me. He just kept playing the game no matter what card I served him.


I don’t think I love Zeus, but I think he could grow on me. But I still find my heart almost pulsating at the thought of not getting a quick text from him.

I can almost picture braiding his hair while we watch a late night show in our living room (no kids of course,at least not yet).

I have never thought about that,ever! I’m too logical for that. Not even with … let’s call him Mr.Perfect , who was as his name implies almost too perfect on paper .

I’m going to rest my head now,I won’t dream Of him because I don’t want to. But I might be looking forward eagerly to his text when I wake up.

2024 dating recap

Sort of talked to-10 ish


Going into 2025 with -1

Just wanted to share

I’m soul sister. Welcome to my community,you can rest her.

Clap for this as much as you can.

Thank you.



Pris Aina
Pris Aina

Written by Pris Aina

life can get boring and isolating but I'm here to share so that we can thrive and feel less alone. Christian .

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